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  • Nopah

    < BlueWiki < BlueWiki Nopah Nopah is one of the Three Tribes of Tharelia. Its capital is the city of Yontah on the East Coast. It is the richest and most developed nation on the planet, home to the largest centres of scientific and technological development. Geography and Climate Nopah is located between longitudes 0° and 90° West and latitudes 0° and 50° North. The continent has vast plains to the east and vast deserts to the west, separated by the Nomorah Mountains in the Midwest. Nopah did not have vast forests in the time of the first settlers, and today the continent is practically devastated. Temperatures range from +45°C in the Equator to -35°C in the Northern Islands. The capital Yontah exhibits temperatures ranging from 10°C to 25°C. Snowstorms are common in the Northern Tundras. History The region was visited by navigators and explorers from Erlah 5,000 years ago. A settlement was built in the Yontah region and from there the continent began to be explored in the West direction. The vastness of the continent and its relative isolation contributed to the development of an advanced civilization based on scientific knowledge and technological discoveries, unlike other regions where local tribal social structures prevailed. Demography Nopah's ethnic profile is the Ashkari or light-skinned Hemitic. The country today has 2,534,628,800 inhabitants, the second most populous on the planet. There are 256 cities with more than 1 million inhabitants. 35% of the population lives below the poverty line, most of them living in slums around big cities. Government and Political Organization Nopah follows the autocratic model of the other nations of Tharelia. Presidential candidates are chosen from a pool of prominent figures in society and the President is elected by members of the upper chambers. The presidential term is 10 years. Citizens over the age of 20 are entitled to vote for local representatives, with a 5-year term. Culture and Society 15% of Nopah's population follows the Norlah Church, a local branch of the Orthodox Erlah Church. 10% follow pagan Surnah cults and 75% are atheists. Nopah society is intensely technology-oriented and individualistic. Personal communication devices are ubiquitous, but the central government controls every aspect of Nopah's life, with facial recognition cameras on the streets and iris scanning devices. Despite an exacerbated materialism, Nopah society observes traditional symbols and dates such as Thar Shvar, celebrated on the 20th day of the 10th month of the year. All married women and some unmarried women wear the haji, colourful veils that cover their heads. Science and Technology Thanks to research centres and Universities, Nopah has achieved technological feats never seen in other regions. Theoretical Physics is extremely advanced and has led to the development of the Standard Model of the Multiverse, the theory of Parallel Universes. 60 years ago a civilian-military task force was created to allow the transport of information and matter to other Universes, called The Hyperon Project. The miniaturization of computers and electronic devices is extremely advanced. Quantum computers can calculate the wave function of an entire Universe in a matter of minutes. Artificial Intelligence has led to the development of military robots and mechs capable of image recognition and decision-making. And the country's aerospace industry develops military aircraft that are used by the Nopah Air Force and other nations as well. industry makes intensive use of fossil-based energy resources. Thanks to the existence of thousands of thermoelectric plants in the country, the local atmosphere is extremely polluted, causing several respiratory diseases in the population. International relations Nopah is now an ally of several local Surnah leaders, who spend millions of tharions on weapons and aircraft. This trade flow is officially condemned by Surnah's central government, which accuses Nopah of arming rebel groups, especially The Flock. Tensions rose between the nations, and Erlah Church leaders were called upon to act as mediators. < BlueWiki

  • Barbara

    < BlueWiki < BlueWiki Barbara Barbara Elliott (alias ACTRESS) served as an agent for the British Intelligence's Special Operations Division, specifically Section 06. Her primary mission was to surveil the initial actions of the Hyperons within British territory. Following her time in Section 06, Agent Barbara was subsequently transferred to Section 05 and posted to the British Embassy in Germany. Currently, she resides in Berlin. < BlueWiki

  • Corsair, Universe

    < BlueWiki < BlueWiki Corsair, Universe The Corsair Universe is a stable Type I Universe, with coordinates [523,024,751]. This Universe is prone to the Shrothar-Makhthar bifurcation effect, attracting connections between two Universes and acting as a third destination. The only habitable planet in this Universe has a civilization equivalent to the Blue Society of the 17th century. < BlueWiki

  • Evlachian Universe

    < BlueWiki < BlueWiki Evlachian Universe The Evlachian Universe is an unstable, Type IIa Universe, with coordinates [009,172,654]. It has a stability level of 65; in other words, the Universe's constants oscillate from the 65th decimal place. The habitable planet, Evlachia, has a dictatorial global government that seeks to outlaw local traditions. Society The capital Evlachia was founded 815 years ago as a fortification against Urkoman invasions by Var Dmitru, the "Prince of Darkness". Var Dmitru was a follower of pagan practices and created the Cult of Khali, The Dragon. Magic Some traditions of Evlachia are based on "magic": a skilful mental control of the constants of the Universe to violate principles of conservation of mass and energy. This control is dominated by magicians and has been developed over thousands of years. The global and authoritarian government of Evlachia seeks to ban these traditions to control populations and force them to move to large cities, where industries require cheap labour. < BlueWiki

  • About | Blue Angel

    ABOUT BLUE ANGEL is a retrofuturistic sci-fi series. The central theme of the series is the perception of the reality at different levels and how it changes through personal experiences. Protagonist Anzhelika Volkova is a British Intelligence agent who finds herself in the middle of a scientific and technological revolution that will radically change her life and her world. ​ The series has been developed since 2013, initially conceived as a 3d animation with 15-minute episodes. Three episodes in English language were finalized until now (available here ). Podcasts in English language about several topics of the series are available on Spotify, Deezer and other sources. ​ The Graphic Novel brings a new experience to the reader, with advanced graphics and the content presented as Episodes. There are also books in Portuguese language with the full content of the project. The official website has also a Wiki section where several concepts are detailed, along with characters' profiles and description of the several worlds. ​ Print On Demand books are available on Clube de Autores and Amazon stores. ​ Digital products based on the series are also available on Daz3D and Renderosity .

  • Blue Angel Series | Books | Volume 5 UNITARIA

    VOLUME 5 UNITARIA No Volume 5, o Partido Unitário vence as eleições nos EUA e um Estado totalitário é implantado, perseguindo tharelianos e banindo as atividades de teleportação. Os Blues travam contato pela primeira vez com a Família De Vrier. ​ Disponível nos marketplaces: Formato Impresso 148x210 mm (c/ orelha) - 1 80 páginas ​ Capítulos: ​ PESADELO UMA HISTÓRIA DE CRIAÇÃO E DESTRUIÇÃO THAR SHVAR CIDADE DOS ANJOS KALAALLIT A TERRA DE UM MILHÃO DE OLHOS ROQUE OS TRIBUTOS DO PECADO GLOSSÁRIO LIVROS / VOLUME 5 - UNITARIA

  • Maria

    < BlueWiki < BlueWiki Maria Maria Feodorovna Slavcic (in Ukrainian, Марія Феодоровна Славсич) is a Priestess and Servant of the Kalc Society. She is the only child of Olga Dmitrievna Slavcic and was initiated into the Kalc Society at the age of 10. The mystic and master of the Society, Baron de Saint Germain, has guided her in the study of the structure and meaning of reality since then. Maria Feodorovna currently lives in a cottage located in Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, with her loyal assistant Sara Romani. < BlueWiki

  • Blue Angel Series | Books | Volume 2 VOLKOV

    LIVROS / VOLUME 2 - VOLKOV VOLUME 2 VOLKOV No Volume 2, Nikol retorna a Blue e estabelece uma nova filial da Agência Volkov, oferecendo aos clientes aventuras em outros Universos. Angel experimenta um primeiro contato com a Tríade. ​ Disponível nos marketplaces: Formato Impresso 148x210 mm (com orelha) - 222 páginas ​ Kindle Ebook ​ Capítulos: ​ ARCANJO LYRA SAN MARINO TROPICANA ÚLTIMO LANCE REINO DAS TREVAS ANGEL, A CORSÁRIA SOBRE AS DIVERSAS FORÇAS DA NATUREZA MIL ANOS A TRÍADE GLOSSÁRIO

  • Blue Angel Series | Books | Volume 4 TRÍADE

    VOLUME 4 TRÍADE No Volume 4, Angel encontra-se com as diversas manifestações da Tríade. Enquanto isso, os Guardiões prenunciam a chegada de tempos difíceis. ​ Disponível no marketplace: LIVROS / VOLUME 4 - TRÍADE Formato Impresso 148x210 mm (c/ orelha) - 1 62 páginas ​ Capítulos: ​ COMPLEXIDADE VESTIDO DE NOIVA GLÓRIA E HONRA INFINITO ARCADIA REVOLUÇÃO A CURA ACASO GLOSSÁRIO

  • Timeline | Blue Angel

    Evolution of the project, separated by titles and media. TIMELINE

  • Surnah

    < BlueWiki < BlueWiki Surnah Surnah is one of the Three Tribes of Tharelia. Its capital is the city of Surnarah. It is the largest and most populous country on the planet. Geography and Climate Surnah is located between longitudes 90° West and 90° East and latitudes 0° and 50° South. Dominated in the past by vast tropical forests, the continent today has vegetation restricted to the Northwest, the region known as Yazhir. Tundras and frozen lands dominate the geographic scenery to the South. Temperatures range from +42°C in the forests of Yazhir to -56°C on the southern island called Anhil. The capital Surnarah boasts temperatures ranging between 25°C and 38°C. History 5,000 years ago, explorers from Erlah arrived in the wilderness of Yazhir, founding the city of Surnarah and numerous other settlements. Soon after, local chiefs established hundreds of independent city-states, each with their own set of laws. 3,000 years ago, followers of Thar the Elder brought about unification, and a Constitution and common Civil Law were drafted. However, local chiefs were permitted to continue managing their communities and often resorted to threats and intimidation to extort citizens. Demography The Surnah ethnicity is the dark-skinned Hemitic Akhat. The country's population is 4,298,618,580 inhabitants. There are also an estimated 120,000 An'Hals, indigenous non-Hemitic peoples who live in the frozen lands of Anhil Island. The capital Surnarah has 22,310,000 inhabitants. 72% of the country's population lives below the poverty line and at least 10% live in conditions of extreme poverty. Political Organization and Government In Surnah, the Head of State serves for life and is called the Imperator (or Imperatrix for women). The Imperator has the prerogative to choose his list of successors. Local administration is carried out by communal chiefs. Surnah has its Armed Forces, but local chiefs may have armies with limited firepower. Culture and Society 33% of the population of Surnah follow the Erlah Orthodox Church. 15% are atheists, and 52% follow local pagan cults. The Surnah alphabet uses the Habikh characters. The indigenous, non-Hemitic population of Anhil Island follows the monotheistic Cult of the Diamond and speaks the An'Halic language. Economy Surnah's economy is extractive. The country exports fruits and vegetables to Nopah and Erlah, as well as oil and coal from the southeastern regions of the country. The economy of the local communes is based on the trade of grains, beverages and livestock. Current Affairs Despite the country's fledgling economy, the local lords of Surnah spend billions of tharions annually importing weapons and aircraft from Nopah. The arms trade between local chiefs and Nopah's war industry is estimated to be 55% greater than Surnah's official GDP. Erlah representatives warn the governments of Nopah and Surnah about the dangers of the arms race promoted by local chiefs. The country has seen in recent decades the creation of a paramilitary group called "The Flock", operating out of the slums of Surnarah. The group intends to unify part of the local communes and create an independent nation. The supreme leader of "The Flock" group today is Thar Akthar. < BlueWiki

  • Videos | Blue Angel

    Where all possibilities coexist BLUE ANGEL, a retrofuturistic Sci-Fi series. A British Intelligence officer makes her journey through the infinite aspects of reality. US & UK w/ English Closed Captions Worldwide w/ Subtitles Subscribe Episode 01 | HYPERON Angel is called to join an intelligence task force to track down the activities of the Hyperons, travellers from a parallel universe. Meanwhile, her colleague Barbara tries to gain the trust of Jonthar, a Tharelian immigrant. Episode 02 | JOURNEY Angel travels to the Isle of Man to visit Alice Morland, her sick mother. In a flashback, her father Nikol meets Alice in the USSR. Episode 03 | THE FOX Angel meets Maria Slavcic, a psychic who gives her information about her father. She teleports alone to Tharelia.

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