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Evlachian Universe

Evlachian Universe

The Evlachian Universe is an unstable, Type IIa Universe, with coordinates [009,172,654]. It has a stability level of 65; in other words, the Universe's constants oscillate from the 65th decimal place. The habitable planet, Evlachia, has a dictatorial global government that seeks to outlaw local traditions.
The capital Evlachia was founded 815 years ago as a fortification against Urkoman invasions by Var Dmitru, the "Prince of Darkness". Var Dmitru was a follower of pagan practices and created the Cult of Khali, The Dragon.
Some traditions of Evlachia are based on "magic": a skilful mental control of the constants of the Universe to violate principles of conservation of mass and energy. This control is dominated by magicians and has been developed over thousands of years. The global and authoritarian government of Evlachia seeks to ban these traditions to control populations and force them to move to large cities, where industries require cheap labour.

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