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The Hyperon Project

The Hyperon Project is the biggest technological achievement in the history of Tharelia. It started 50 years ago as a civilian-military effort of vital importance to the future of the Tharelian civilisation. Until now, the Project spent Th$ 50 trillion and brought important results in scientific and strategic areas.


The Hyperon Project started 50 years ago at the Nopah Center of Theoretical Physics, an advanced research institute linked to the University of Yontah. The Project was motivated by growing concerns from Tharelian governments of a possible large-scale, global conflict, aggravated by the degrading conditions of Tharelian global weather and natural resources.


The main goal of the Project was the transferring of 1% to 10% of Tharelian population to other Universes in the short term. The solution of transferring a large population to another habitable planet in Tharelian Universe was considered not feasible, as no planet on the habitable zone was found within a radius of 10,000 light-years.


After receiving carte blanche from Nopah government, Professor Thar Fermithar organized a committee who hired the most prominent scientists and engineers from the following areas:

  • Physics - Theoretical

  • Physics - Nuclear

  • Physics - Solid State

  • Mathematics - Pure

  • Mathematics - Topology

  • Mathematics - Statistics

  • Engineering - Electronics

  • Computer Science

  • Quantum Computing

  • Military Strategy

Military Strategy branch chose the region of Tonopah, West Nopah, for the Project Headquarters. Today 5,540 scientists, engineers and military personnel are directly involved in the Project. It is funded by Nopah taxpayers and technology industries of the country through the program "Tharelialive".


Accordingly to the Standard Model of the Multiverse developed by the physicist Thar Tegthar 60 years ago, there are 4 types of Universes: Types I, II, III and IV. Theoretically, information can be sent to and brought back from any of these four types, but the safe teleportation of humanoids can only be done to Stable, Type I Universes. In this particular case, a connection between two Type I Universes could be established in the 11th dimension, but the energies involved are proportional to the square of the distances in the Cartesian space. So the target Universe must be within the radius of 10     m in the Cartesian space for teleportation energies of 10 TW (Terawatts).

The next challenge of the task force was putting the theoretical predictions of Tegthar et alli to practice. The team of Professor Thar Fermithar created a central coil with an energy of 100 GW (Gigawatts) to disturb the 11th dimension and send information outside the Tharelian Universe. The experiment was successful and the energy was gradually increased to send macroscopic probes to targeted Universes.

At the following experiment, Hyperon scientists used a 2 TW generator to teleport a Tharelian soldier. Unfortunately, the soldier was transferred to some unknown Universe and could not be teleported back. The incident showed the need for the development of receivers called "teleports", to signal the position of the teleported individual or group.


Ten years have passed until portable teleports could be created. The first models were used as a belt, with large batteries. Today teleports with the size of a wristband provide hyper-location and additional data about temperature, radiation level and atmospheric pressure. Teleporters also carry a "telecom", a small device to help with communications and guidance.


Today a typical hyper-transfer is done following this protocol (click to enlarge):

  1. At the host Universe, Quantum Computers (with a processing power of 10 YottaFlops) calculate the WaveFunction of the target Universe.

  2. Data are normalized to the Cartesian Local Space and sent to the Guidance and Monitoring terminals (with a processing speed of 50 THz).

  3. Through decoherence methods, a disturbance is sent to the 11th dimension to tune in the target Universe. It absorbs the object and/or the individual through a Hyper-connection of 100 Tbps.

  4. The teleporter pings back to the Central to keep the connection alive and to send vital signs. A telecom also can open a communication channel of 10 Gbps to the terminals.

To bring back the teleported object or individual, the teleport creates another disturbance, this time at the host Universe.

It is important to keep the connection alive, or the object/individual could be lost at the target Universe.


The Hyperon Project is seen by the authorities as a powerful Warfare tool. Tharelian governments are considering different scenarios to be found in the targeted Universes. They are:

1. Blind Occupation

If the target Universe has a planet of no civilisation, or a Level 0 humanoid civilisation (pre-atomic), the occupation would be done without any resistance. The number of losses on both sides would be irrelevant given the importance of the operation. Local populations could be controlled or -- in some cases -- be eliminated.

2. Hard Occupation

If the Target Universe has a planet with a Level 1 humanoid civilisation (atomic), the occupation would be done through a large-scale military operation. Leaders would be eliminated or imprisoned, and populations would be relocated to remote regions. It is extremely important to remove any previous political organization, like political parties and national borders. The local population should be aware of the new order and the new rules. Given the previous, more advanced organization of this kind of society, mass elimination should be avoided when possible so as not to create resentment and resistance focuses.

3. Soft Occupation

If the target Universe has a planet with a Level 2 humanoid civilisation (post-atomic) and its military power is recognizably superior, the occupation would be done through a concept called "soft power". Local collaborators and liaison officers need to be previously contacted to become reliable sources of information. At the same time, Hyperon representatives should operate in the background, in the cultural and political spheres, to gain the "hearts and minds" of the host civilisation. Media, Universities and the political forces opened to constant changes need to be infiltrated. Social and humanitarian speech should always be used, and any opposite view should be discouraged and associated with negative local costumes. Financial aid should always be used as a tool of persuasion for politicians, parties, opinion makers and media representatives. A positive view of the Tharelian presence should be built. This process of social reengineering is expected to take from two to three decades. At the same time, a military presence should be executed in the background, by the creation of "beachheads" with teleport and communication facilities.


The initial goal of The Hyperon Project is the immediate transferring of 1% of the population to the host Universes and 10% of the Tharelian population in the following ten years. The total population should then be relocated to the host Universes when the social reengineering would be complete.


The Hyperon Project could identify 2,046 stable host Universes up to this moment. But 1,912 Universes have planets with unsuitable conditions like diseases, dangerous microorganisms or toxic atmospheres. Three of them were tested and received visits from Hyperon officers to start the Strategical Operations. The most advanced process is taking place in the Blue Universe. The other suited Universes are being scanned by automated probes.

To this date, Hyperon officers are establishing contacts with high-level diplomats of the Blue planet to negotiate cooperation in technological and cultural fields. At the same time, beachheads are being built in remote places, equipped with teleport facilities, communication hubs, robots and mechs.  


It is reported that the Surnah government is using clandestine facilities to send Tharelians to a specific Universe. These Surnah immigrants are working for the host population without any connection to Tharelia. Nopah government discourages this procedure, as it violates international treaties between Tharelian nations.

Some Nopah technicians are also using the teleport facilities to travel to the Blue Universe without any government permission. This is a severe violation of Nopah laws and any Nopah citizen catch on clandestine hyper-transfers will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


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The Hyperon Project

Total cost: Th$ 50 trillion

Headquarters: Tonopah, Nopah

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